Connecting Space

Connecting Space

2016 February

Thought for March 2016

Being Creative:
Have you heard about the idea of choosing one word for your year ?
You choose one word that is your focus, goal, and mantra for the year. To choose your word, take some time to think about where your life is, how you hope for things to be at the end of the year, and what you need to add, change, or let go of in the next year to move closer to that dream. (A quick Google search will turn up multiple websites around the one word concept and articles by people like Gretchen Rubin on how they have used one word to focus and direct their year.)
So, here’s the extra art directive step: once you’ve chosen your word, make a piece of art about it. What would your life look like if you stayed focused on this word? What would you need to do or change? What would the result be? What will it feel like as you live out your word?
I think that doing art with your one word is a great activity for a couple of reasons. First, it gives you more time to focus on your word and what it would really mean for you as you spend the time working on your art. Second, now you have a great reminder of your intention – hang it up where you will see it often, take a picture and put it on your computer desktop, or slip a small copy in your wallet. Every time that you see your art piece, you will be reminded to recommit to your word and assess how you are doing.
My word for 2016 is “Fun.” I chose this word for a few reasons.  I feel like I spent a lot of time just reacting, juggling things, and trying to keep up without much time for me to consider activity that was just for fun.  So for me, this year   I want to be  proactive, not just reactive. I also have a tendency to get stuck in the  planning stage of things.   The cure for no motivation can be just doing something, not waiting until you feel inspired, I have so far joined rock choir and am really enjoying the experience .


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Author: Jill • Filed under: Music Matters, Uncategorized • Posted: February 24, 2016 7:26 pm

Thought for February 2016

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Author: Jill • Filed under: Featured • Posted: 7:14 pm